ძვირფასო მომხმარებლებო!
საკურიერო მომსახურებით სარგებლობის შემთხვევაში, 21 აპრილის 17:00 საათამდე განთავსებულ შეკვეთებს მიიღებთ 26 აპრილს, ხოლო 22-25 აპრილს განთავსებული შეკვეთების მიწოდება განახლდება 27 აპრილს! რონიკო გილოცავთ აღდგომის ბრწყინვალე დღესასწაულს!



Proclear® lenses
Material: H20 content omafilcon B / 62%
Replacement schedule: Monthly
Base curve: 8.6
Diameter: 14.2

From 160 GEL In Tbilisi delivery on the second working day is free!

CooperVision® Proclear® lenses address the most-cited reason for contact lens dropout: discomfort.
Unlike some lenses that may have your patients’ eyes feeling itchy and dry after they’ve worn them only a short time, Proclear sphere contacts offer a level of true all-day-comfort. These lenses were designed to remain hydrated, helping them feel moist and comfortable throughout the day.

Patented PC Technology™ Makes It Work
CooperVision’s exclusive PC Technology™ creates a unique lens material in which the phosphorylcholine (PC) molecules attract and bind water to the surface, creating a shield that keeps the lenses clean and functioning properly. The PC molecules also help the lenses remain hydrated, which in turn, help them feel moist and comfortable all day long

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