ძვირფასო მომხმარებლებო!
საკურიერო მომსახურებით სარგებლობის შემთხვევაში, 21 აპრილის 17:00 საათამდე განთავსებულ შეკვეთებს მიიღებთ 26 აპრილს, ხოლო 22-25 აპრილს განთავსებული შეკვეთების მიწოდება განახლდება 27 აპრილს! რონიკო გილოცავთ აღდგომის ბრწყინვალე დღესასწაულს!

Biofinity® toric – 3 lenses


Pack: 3 lenses
Manufacturer: CooperVision
Replacement Schedule: Monthly
Material: 52% comfilcon A
Water Content: 48
Base Curve: 8.7
Diameter: 14.5

Biofinity® Toric lenses are ordered individually. Arrives within two weeks to one month. In case of additional questions, contact us in advance at the following number: (+995) 595 24 14 48 or (+995) 32 24 14 41 (ext. 137 or 128).
*Can be purchased by box only

For contact lens wearers with astigmatism, Biofinity Toric lenses are quickly becoming the preferred lens. Aquaform Comfort Science Technology has produced a lens that allows plenty of oxygen into your eyes, keeping them healthy and bright. These lenses are ultra efficient at retaining water, so all day long you experience a wet contact lens that resists drying and protein deposits. Perhaps most importantly, Biofinity Toric contact lenses fit you correctly. Those with astigmatism know how important a properly fitting, high performance silicone hydrogel contact lens can be, and these lenses won’t disappoint.

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