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საკურიერო მომსახურებით სარგებლობის შემთხვევაში, 21 აპრილის 17:00 საათამდე განთავსებულ შეკვეთებს მიიღებთ 26 აპრილს, ხოლო 22-25 აპრილს განთავსებული შეკვეთების მიწოდება განახლდება 27 აპრილს! რონიკო გილოცავთ აღდგომის ბრწყინვალე დღესასწაულს!

Biofinity® Multifocal 1 box (3 pieces)


A new product from CooperVision, created with the innovative Aquaform® technology and made with a revolutionary silicone-hydrogel material. Thanks to the combination of unique technology and geometrically improved lenses, Biofinity® Multifocal lenses are the most effective means of vision correction.

monthly use silicone
hydrogel lens.
Aquaform® technology, Aberration Neutralising System.™ system of neutralizing aberrations.
✓ Highly oxygen-carrying,
✓ Flexible and soft material,
✓ High hydrogen content,
✓ It is allowed to sleep with the lens up to 29 nights.
✓ Premium quality comfort when wearing the lens,
✓ The eye has a way to breathe,
✓ Provides clear vision, the lens is constantly moistened
Material: comfilcon A
H20 content: 48%
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.0 mm
Center Thickness: (@ -3.00DS) 0.08mm
Oxygen transmissibility: 128 Dk/t (at -3.00D)
Design: D lens, N lens
Add power: +1.00, +1.50. +2.00. +2.50
Sphere power: +6.00D to -8.00D (0.50D steps after -6.00D)

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