ძვირფასო მომხმარებლებო!
საკურიერო მომსახურებით სარგებლობის შემთხვევაში, 21 აპრილის 17:00 საათამდე განთავსებულ შეკვეთებს მიიღებთ 26 აპრილს, ხოლო 22-25 აპრილს განთავსებული შეკვეთების მიწოდება განახლდება 27 აპრილს! რონიკო გილოცავთ აღდგომის ბრწყინვალე დღესასწაულს!



Biofinity® contact lenses

Brand: CooperVision
Material: Comfilcon A I 5 (Silicone Hydrogel) 48% water
Base Curves : 8.6
Diameter :14.0
Usage Instructions Daily wear for 30 days or continuous wear for up to 29 nights, if recommended by your optician. Please replace with a new pair every month.

From 160 GEL In Tbilisi delivery on the second working day is free!

Biofinity Product Information
Biofinity® contact lenses are made from a unique, naturally water-loving material that helps them stay moist. Biofinity lens material is highly breathable, which allows greater levels of oxygen to freely flow through the lens, and helps keep your eyes clear, white, and healthy. CooperVision’s patented Aquaform™ technology, optimizes the relationship between oxygen and water, creating a softer, more flexible lens material.


All In One Light is a multipurpose disinfecting solution specially formulated for patients with sensitive eyes. Highly effective cleaning capability, built-in lubricating agent and proven disinfection efficacy.

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